What Makes A Great Mediator

The subject at hand is mediation, the attempt at resolution of a dispute consensually, facilitated by a trained mediator.  We all know that, but let’s for the moment consider those traits and skills that make a great mediator. Setting the Tone:  A great mediator will...

Mediation and the New Paradigm of Accountable Care

Accountable Care Organizations will produce a new paradigm of health care delivery, and as such, they can also be the source of new and varied types of disputes.  In these settings, there will be a number of drivers of disputes.  For example, insurers will be less...

Thawing the Healthcare Cold War

In the modern age, the American healthcare system is more fractured and “tribal” than ever before. Even the recent healthcare reform enacted by the federal government, controversial as it is, isn’t enough to truly reform the current state of the healthcare industry...

What You Need to Know About Mediation in Healthcare

Crises are popping up in healthcare facilities around the country, and involved individuals are seeking alternative ways to resolve their disputes.  One such way is mediation, which allows a neutral third party to guide conversation between disputing parties.  Knowing...